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The book "Women who run with the wolves" and the workshop FrauenURKRAFT

The Power of Female Instincts

here is the book that inspired our seminar series FrauenURKraft.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés uses figurative language and, through fairy tales and stories, allows us to gain new insights about ourselves and our behavior in a different way.

A powerful book that helps women to access their true, innate power and supports them in finding a clear womanhood, free from judgment.

A big recommendation - every woman should read this book at least once in her life!

you can get it here:

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés has written other books in addition to this one and is generally highly recommended. Here are some of them and also the English version for those of you who prefer that. Have fun reading and gain some great insights. I am also looking forward to welcoming you to the FrauenURKRAFT workshop!

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