You are not a drop in the ocean
you are the entire ocean
in one drop.
- Rumi
Hi and a warm welcome - I offer an environment of compassion, non-judgemental, empathy, reflection, and empowerment, to help bring about positive changes and enhance your well-being, as well as aligning with who you truly are.
We all experience times of stress, life crises, relationship challenges, we simply need a safe space to explore your thoughts and emotions, or we want to see certain goals fulfilled. A conversation with a professional provides in these situations invaluable assistance on your way to clarity, healing, and personal growth
The external perspective on the situation, the time we take to turn inward, and the calm to find new approaches enable clarity, relief, and newfound strength. New behavioral patterns become possible, and the creative approach combined with relaxation methods nourish the soul.
Working with me enables you to:
Positive shaping of your relationship with others and with yourself
Relief, liberation from unwanted behavioral patterns, beliefs and emotions
clarity, joy of life, satisfaction
Recognizing your potential, strengths and resources
Finding peace with difficult relationships
Activating hope and courage for upcoming changes
Finding Meaning in Turbulent Times
- more freedom through self-determination and personal responsibility
More mindful treatment of yourself and self-care
Improving your body self-image and your body experience
By working on yourself, contribute to positive development and change in the world